Monday, June 24, 2013

Rolling Away...

Forward roll, the most basis exercise in Aikido training. Everyone who train in Aikido need to do it.
Is the most basis and the hardest to teach to a student.
Sure, everyone can roll but not everyone can do a proper one.
The one that does not impact hard or lost of direction.

I have seem aikidoka who has done aikido for years but does not do a decent roll.
Over the years, I try different ways to teach the forward roll by consulting other sensei or even went on youtube to view how others do it.
I have always tell my students, I can only guide you roughly as their body is not something I can control during motion.
They need to feel it themselves and adjust their body accordingly as they move.
Some can get it on the first lesson, where else some need years to do it.
If they cannot get over the fear of falling and the pain that come with it, is very hard to do the proper roll.
Most end up doing the so call "barrel roll", the roll over your back.

Kids are the easiest to teach, as they are not afraid of the fall at all, even if they felt the pain they would very much still wanna to do it again.
Plus the fact their body is relax and soft.
Ladies who try the roll and felt the pain, would not return to train aikido anymore. Hahaha!!!!
I think the forward roll would be taught after 2 weeks or so, after they sign up for the lesson.
Then they would think twice about giving up so fast. Hahaha!!!!

I still can remember my first try at the forward roll, painful but rewarding at the end.
Once your roll is good, then come all the free throws and the fun of being thrown...

Monday, June 17, 2013

New Timetable for Aikido Classes

New timetable for Sutera Aikido class.

Every Monday - Adult class from 8.00pm to 9.00pm

Every Tuesday - Adult class from 8.00pm to 9.00pm

Every Thursday - Adult class from 8.00pm to 9.00pm

Every Friday - Children class from 8.00pm to 9.00pm
                       Adult class from 8.30pm to 9.30pm

Every Sunday - Children class from 11.00am to 12.00pm
                         Adult class from 12.00pm to 1.00pm

For more enqiuires, please contact the instructor.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

New location and time schedules

We will be releasing the new location and time schedules by next week.

Looking forward to all the new changes and arrangement.

Grading for all students is set on the 21 Jul 2013, Sunday at 4pm.

We will  be giving out the leaflet on the timetable of grading and other events for that day.

Students, please spread the info and invite all parents to attend as George Chang Shihan will give some demo on that day.

Kindly submit all your forms and grading fee latest by 14 Jul 2013.

All those that are not going for grading, will still need to be present at the dojo for training in gi.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Dojo Crest

This will be Kentoku very own crest.

Logo and crest in order now, will be proceeding for badge making and sign broad.
With the design out, soon we will be coming out with our own t-shirt.